Voucher for a Complete Clairvoyance Study of your good fortune for the next 12 months

strictly confidential file
reserved for Gordon
to Complete and return

Yes, dear Sara, I give you my agreement to complete my Complete Clairvoyant Study for my Good Luck...

Yes, Sara, I understood that this Complete Clairvoyance Chart and my Complete Clairvoyant Study of my good fortune has been inspired in you by Fate, and by the one that you think is my Guardian Angel. The celestial powers have granted to me great good fortune during this year.

Yes, Sara, I believe that these 2 very positive events concerning money and emotions will manifest themselves very soon in my life. It will be the beginning of my new cycle of good luck. I will need to follow your forecastings and your precious advice, so that success will come and stay with me during this cycle that will last 12 months.

Please, Sara, send me as soon as possible :

Before sending back this voucher, I shall carefully fill out the confidential questionnaire. This will enable me to benefit during this year from all the marvelous events that Fate sends me. Also, you will be able to help me with a maximum of efficiency. I will answer the questions with a 'yes' or 'no', and my answers are confidential and will remain strictly between the two of us.


1. Do you believe in the subconscious?

2. Do you think you have good intuition?

3. Do you have any particuliar worries?

4. Are you afraid of time passing by too quickly?

5. Do you often dream?

6. Do you have nightmares?

7. Do you feel that you are a 'victim of fate'?

8. Do you often play games of chance?

9. Are you afraid of what people say about you?

10. Do you have a good self image?

11. Do you have confidence in yourself?

As I am answering immediately, (hoping to bring into my life all kinds of Happiness, Good Luck, Love and Money), I ask you to send me by post your Gift of friendship : the wonderful little Magic Dolphin Pendant

I insist on taking an absolute advantage of getting more chances of joys, happiness, fortune and money, and ask you consequently to send me URGENTLY a second Magic Dolphin Pendant,

a Magic Dolphin Pendant  at the Special price of us$ 20 which I add to the amount for the order of the Great Complete Clairvoyance of my 56 days of Luck

I thank you in anticipation and look forward to all you are going to do for me, I really trust you, bet we are going to be successful, and send you consequently my payment...

YOUR ADDRESS (Please verify your address to receive your order)

Thank you in advance for all your are going to do for me.
I place my complete trust in you.