Help form for a Wonderful Life

Reserved to Dawn

Yes, dear Sara, I gladly accept the help you are offering today. For a Happy Life filled with Joys, Strokes of Luck and Money, I complete the following confidential wishes form.

Yes, Sara, I am asking you to place me under your Permanently High Protection. I am allowing you to perform on my behalf all the High Protection Ceremonials that will strengthen my potentials for Luck and Energy. I want to fully enjoy the very good effects of these exceptional events in order to open the doors to love, luck and money.

Yes, Sara, I am asking you to perform the Beneficial and Occult Action Permanently so that I can regain and retain my potential of energy and to keep my chances for luck, success and happiness. I want to enjoy the Wonderful Life I deserve. By checking the corresponding boxes I indicate the 7 most important wishes that I wish come true in order to live a Happy Life placed under the sign of Money, Love and Good Luck in everything.

--- Money Wishes ---

--- Love Wishes ---

--- Fortune Wishes ---

Yes, Sara, I understand that without your help, support and protection, it will be very difficult for me to turn my life around. I know now that I must turn the corner in the best possible conditions if I wish to be lucky enough to change my life.

Yes, Sara, I understand that your Study of the Path to My Happiness will give me all the useful information on how to best take advantage of the luck that will fill my new wonderful life. I am sure that those days will be the happiest days of my life.

This is the reason why I accept to receive :

  • Your Astro-Study of the Path to My Happiness
  • My 7 Lucky Numbers for free. I will be able to use those 7 Special Numbers when you tell me the time is right. And in order to make a positive influence on my financial luck, I am asking you to organize especially for me and for free a CEREMONIAL FOR MONEY that will strengthen my fortune,
  • The Talisman for High Protection that you have magnetized especially for me and that will give me a total astrological protection against the negative forces that go against my surroundings and my mind,
  • Your Exceptional Discount that you will deduct from the total amount of your fees,

I wish to enjoy all those GIFTS because I really wish to be HAPPY and I know that you do not want to miss again the FORTUNE and HAPPINESS of a wonderful life just because of financial issues,

Yes, Sara, I also understand that without your help it will be difficult for me to enjoy the exceptional events that are about to happen to me. I am therefore asking for your quick help since I urgently need your help.

Yes, Sara, I understand well that your Complete Astrological Consultation will give me the most precious advice to succeed in life. You will be able to give me all the details on what to do so that my life gives me the HAPPINESS and the WEALTH that I am dreaming of. I know I deserve it all.

This is the reason why I am asking you to send me right away :

YOUR ADDRESS (Please verify your address to receive your order)

Comments :

Thank you for your help and for everything you are going to do for me, I trust you.